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Recycling of TSC Animal and Plant Resources

          More than 6 decades ago, TSC set up a livestock business in order to increase the yield of sugarcane by using the pig manure and urine to irrigate sugarcane fields to cultivate soil fertility. During the sugar refining process, the by-product, molasses, was also prepared into pig feed while the bagasse and filter mud were returned to the soil, maintaining an eco-friendly environment and a recycling system of resources reuse. Although the term “circular term” did not exist at that time, the employees at TSC had known how to create the maximum economic benefits from the existing resources at that time when materials and resources were not easily gotten, having successively created a biological cycle between plants and animals. Since then, the sustainability concept of “promoting circulation with the economy” has been passed on from generation to generation in TSC and has been internalized and imprinted in the corporate spirit.

          With the long-term accumulation of bio-refining technology, TSC continues to invest in research on various biomass materials and actively develops related commercial applications derived. By combining sugar production, pig farming, biogas, green energy, and organic fertilizers, the circular economy in agriculture and livestock industries is promoted. The goal is to turn it into a green and sustainable circulation industry with zero waste and zero pollution. For detailed information concerning biomass power generation, please see 2.3.1 Promotion of Renewable Energy of "TSC 2023 Sustainability Report".

The Use of Whole Sugarcane

          Sugarcane is a C4 crop with an extremely large biomass unit yield on earth. It has high-efficient carbon sequestration capacity, having significant contributions to mitigate the greenhouse effect. In addition to producing sugar from sugarcane, TSC further makes use of the by-products such as bagasse, molasses, and filter mud. The bagasse, after being crushed, is planned to be made into RDF-5 fuel rods in the future to be burned in a gasifier to provide energy. Relevant research is still on going. Bagasse can also be provided to mushroom farmers for reuse. When mixed with thinning wood chips from flat land afforestation, bagasse can be used to make mushroom grow bags with mushroom cultivation substrates. The biomaterials in the discarded mushroom bags can be mixed with kitchen waste, biogas slurry, sugar filter sludge and molasses and composted to produce organic fertilizer and soil improver of the farmland.

Whole Pig Utilization

          The Whole Pig Utilization Project will focus on the refinement and high price of meat products, and development of products for the use of biotechnology also started. The long-term goal is to pass Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) verification. In addition to meat products, the rest parts such as the pig bones, pig blood, pig skin, and the viscera can all be refined into raw materials needed for medical treatment and skin care. The solid part of the excreta can be directly and rapidly fermented into fertilizers and can also be co-fermented with agricultural waste and kitchen waste to generate biogas for power generation. The biogas residue left can be quickly fermented into fertilizer while biogas slurry is composted and decomposed using ectopic bio-fermentation bed.

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