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Sustainable Operation and Practices

TSC’s Corporate Sustainable Development Committee

          The “TSC Corporate Sustainable Development Committee” has been set up to establish relevant procedural documents, with the president serving as the chairperson and the chairman as the steering member attending committee meetings on behalf of the board of directors. In addition, it is also in charge of incorporating the corporate sustainable development into the corporate operations and development directions, setting sustainable development policies, systems or related management guidelines, and preparing annual work plans and reports of implementation results every year. In addition, future business strategies related to sustainable development are submitted to the board of directors for deliberation in November each year. Economic, environmental and social issues arising from the operation activities are handled by three working groups. The organizers of each working group will set the group’s work plan for the following year based on the execution status of the annual business and track the implementation of the plans of the current year. Department of Planning will then organize the submitted results and report them to the committee.

TSC’s Sustainable Development Strategies

          Right after COP26, various countries started to develop carbon reduction policies and have successively announced net-zero emissions by 2030 and 2050. Taiwan also gears to international standards and has announced Net Zero by 2050. Net Zero has become the trend for the future. For enterprises, the problems that will be directly or indirectly brought by extreme weather would impact corporate operations, responses to situations such as changes in consumer behavior, carbon reduction trends, disaster prevention, and energy shortage should also be made. TSC continued to track the international trends and conducted GHG inventory of all business divisions and developed carbon reduction strategies. In addition, under the changes of the COVID-19 epidemic and the direction of Net Zero Emissions, the overall business strategies for the following six years were set up in the face of the impact and the changes in consumer behavior the Company is facing. In addition, the attainment status is reviewed and relevant strategies are adjusted on a yearly basis by applying PDCA. In addition to continuous and active cultivation of talents to strengthen the corporate physique in business development, and improve operational performance, we also refer to government policies and the trends of industrial environment changes, focusing on the core of “Promoting New Agriculture” and “Circular Economy”, and having the five major strategies of “Deep Rooting Health and New Agriculture Related Business”, “Promoting Circular Economy and Green Related Industries”, “Accelerating Asset Activation”, “Improving Operational Performance”, and “Deep Rooting Overseas Investment and Cooperation with Diplomatic Allies” as the blueprint for future business strategy, putting forward the direction of business transformation, upgrading, and land resources utilization as the main axes of the strategies for the implementation of related projects. For relevant content of TCFD disclosure, please refer to 2.1.2 Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). For the contents of Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) alignment disclosure, please refer to Appendix X: Comparison Table of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board.

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