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:::   Corporate Governance > Board of Director Structure

Board of Director Structure

          The Board of Directors is the Company's highest governance body. The chairman is also the chairman of the shareholders' meeting and the board of directors and not a member of the management team. The president and the vice presidents assist the chairman. The chairman upholds the resolutions of the board of directors for the overall management of the company's business. The vice presidents assist the president according to the division of business. The concept of corporate governance at TSC is implemented from top to bottom. All the important business decisions are implemented based on the resolutions of the board of directors.

          The composition of the board of directors(including 3 independent directors) of the Company is diverse. The directors include representing directors, female directors, and representative directors assigned by the trade unions. The number of female directors in 2022 is 6, reaching the requirement that each gender shall account for more than one-third of the board seats. Board members have different professional background in the fields of law, accounting, finances, marketing, agriculture, economic development, urban development, and environment engineering, and they are also industry experts with the expertise in risk management. The composition of TSC’s board of directors is diverse, and the board members are also equipped with professional abilities to assist with the sustainable management of the Company, enabling TSC to effectively implement operation and management and strategies for future development.

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