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Compliance and Information Disclosure


          TSC products must comply with local regulations and customer requirements, including Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation, Health Food Control Act, Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, Food Administration Act, Organic Agricultural Product and Organic Agricultural Processed Product Certification Management Regulations. In 2022, there were no violations of product health and safety, service information and labeling, marketing communications and voluntary codes.

Information Transparency and Stakeholder Participation

          Information disclosure is an important responsibility in a company’s operations. To rapidly pass on major information of TSC to the public and the internal organizations within TSC, the company has established a highly efficient communication system, set the "Directions for Online Filing" on the public information, with designated personnel responsible for the collection and disclosure of TSC Information and exposed information on corporate governance on MOPs and the TSC website. There are also response measures for emergencies, such as the setting of “Disasters Emergency Response Guidelines” and "Guidelines for Reporting Matters in Occupational Safety and Health Management Information System Reports ". When news is required to be released for major disasters and emergencies, it will be signed by the unit and approved by the president, and the information will be emailed to all directors. The designated spokesperson shall make uniform external explanations and reply or take the initiative to convene a press conference to ensure timely disclosure of information that may affect the decisions of shareholders and stakeholders. In addition, the information including finance, business, corporate governance, public welfare activities and publications is disclosed on TSC’s official website for shareholders' and stakeholders' reference and is constantly updated. To faithfully fulfill the obligation of information disclosure.

          In addition, all the information concerning the operation status and remunerations of the board of directors and the Audit Committee, environmental protection, social services, public welfare and good neighborliness, safety and health, customer services and other fulfillment of social responsibility, as well as information concerning interest rates, exchange rate changes, and inflation is all disclosed in the Annual Report.

          TSC has been making efforts to improve information transparency and enhance communication with stakeholders. Therefore, TSC was affirmed long-term “twAA-” and short-term “twA-1+” rankings by Taiwan Ratings, with “outlook stable”. Furthermore, the rating among global debtors in financial constitution is rated as “extremely robust” and its rating in management and governance is also “satisfactory” .

          To strengthen the bilateral communication with our stakeholders, and to respect the rights and interests of the stakeholders. TSC has implemented various measures as follows.

  1. Face-to-face meeting:For proposals they are interested in, shareholders can come to the Headquarters to have a face-to-face opinion exchange with the chairman or relevant supervisors on the first Monday of every month.
  2. Regular shareholders’ meeting:To ensure the right of participation and power of decision of shareholders, a regular shareholders’ meeting is held once a year. In addition to reporting on the operating results of the previous year and future strategies, matters for ratification and discussions on major proposals are also reported. Shareholders’ questions are also answered in a timely manner.
  3. Proceedings of Shareholders’ Meetings:The proceedings of the shareholders’ meetings are recorded as required.  Relevant information is uploaded to the MOPs and TSC’s official website for shareholders’ reference.
  4. Labor Director:Representatives assigned by trade unions appointed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs act as labor directors and participate in corporate governance.
  5. Employee Participation:Labor-management meetings (a total of 68 meetings were held in 2022), Welfare Committee meetings, Occupational Safety and Health Committee, and meetings of the “Employees’Retirement Funds Management Committee” and “Labor Retirement Reserve Supervisory Committee” are regularly convened. 
  6. Symposiums:The chairman of the BOD convenes symposiums and invites employees from all units to listen to their opinions on management.
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