TSC has established multiple communication channels such as the customer service line (0800-026-168), the website customer service mailbox (tsc01@taisugar.com.tw), and the FB TSC Fanpage and assign designated personnel to handle and respond to public and consumer opinions (including inquiries, suggestions, and complaints). The Company has issued the “Customer Compliant Handling Guidelines” in accordance with the Executive Yuan’s Consumer Protection Act. In addition, we also implement the duty of confidentiality of customer information and provide a transparent and effective consumer complaint procedure to handle consumers’ or customers’ complaints fairly and immediately. In addition, through the Customer Opinion Management System, the competent business units are immediately informed of the opinions and a response is required to be given within 3 days. The principle is to handle complaints fast, professionally, and satisfactorily. In 2022, a total of 5,491 inquiries and opinions were received, and all of them were handled properly. In 2022, there were no major consumer disputes at TSC.
To continue the improvement of the Company’s products and services, TSC cooperates with the Customer Satisfaction Survey conducted by an external survey company entrusted by state-owned Enterprise Commission, Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) every year. The survey results are summarized, and the review meetings are held. Analysis report and meeting minutes are sent to relevant units for consideration and as a reference for the direction of future operation and improvement for all units. The score for customer satisfaction survey in 2022 was 95.85 points,a increase of 0.37 points compared with 2021.