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Club House


This building was a club house when Qiaotou Sugar Factory was founded in 1902. The large space in front of the building was the training ground for Japanese troops. The architecture style of this building and the office both imitated Dutch colonial buildings in Southeast Asia.

The building has high ground for ventilation and its corridor and consecutive arches are transplanted from traditional European buildings. Heritage expert Mr. Li Chien-lang called it a “tropical colonial Western-style building.”

Although the design of both these buildings originated from the Netherlands, Japanese building style is still integrated into them. From the roof, we can apparently see the same traditional wooden structure as other Japanese buildings, while Taiwan cypress, beloved by Japanese people, was used as the roof beam.

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Operating hours: 9:00AM-4:30PM
Tel: +886-7-6119299 ext. 5
Address: No. 24, Tangchang Rd., Qiaotou Dist., Kaohsiung City 825405, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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