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Deputy Director’s Residence


The Deputy Director’s Residence of Qiaotou Sugar Factory was a historical building built in 1940 and spans the area of 111.6 m2. It was the mainstream wooden residential structure during the Japanese Colonial Era, including a front and back yard.

The main part of the building is still in a certain degree of cohesion with its environment. If observed with the Director’s Residence as a whole, they currently have the most representative Japanese-style wooden dormitories and elegant Japanese garden in the factory.

After Qiaotou Factory was shut down in June 1999, the Deputy Director’s Residence had no resident since then, thus resulting in the severe deterioration of the outer part of the building. Taiwan Sugar Corps. started it renovation construction in 2015 with the attempt of restoring it to its original appearance in the Japanese Colonial Era.

Business Information

Operating hours: 9:00AM-4:30PM
Tel: +886-7-6119299 ext. 5
Address: No. 24, Tangchang Rd., Qiaotou Dist., Kaohsiung City 825405, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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