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Lean Operations Management

  Net-zero emissions have become an international trend and global consensus, making it an opportunity for enterprises to enhance their competitiveness and seize new business opportunities. Therefore, TSC has proposed a systematic strategy for low-carbon transition and made comprehensive inventory of energy consumption and carbon emissions and identified emission sources. Every department proposes carbon reduction practices, sets carbon reduction targets and implements net-zero emissions in accordance with the development directions and projects of net-zero emissions.

  On the other hand, due to the incomplete regulations concerning national reduction targets, total cap emission trading, efficiency standards, carbon fees or carbon tax, etc., TSC actively participates in discussions on the establishment of government carbon management policies and regulations and provides relevant information in advance to serve as a reference for policy and regulation making, and strives for favorable conditions, aiming to turn TSC into a demonstration base for circular economy implementation and net-zero emissions.

Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Project

  Due to the sugar refining and oil production operation of the  Sugar Business Division, which account for more than 30% of the overall carbon emissions at TSC (Scope 1+ Scope 2), and the larger scale and year-round production of Xiaogang Refinery, which contributes over 90% of the Sugar Business Division's emissions, natural gas has been used to replace fuel oil since March 14, 2022, in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. As of 2022, Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions totaled 65,624 tonnes, a decrease of 18,216 tonnes compared to 83,840 tonnes in 2021, achieving a reduction of 21.7%. The greenhouse gas inventory for the Sugar Business Division for the year 2023 is currently underway and is scheduled to be completed by the end of June. Future efforts will continue to assess the feasibility of mixing natural gas with hydrogen or ammonia to gradually reduce the carbon emissions. TSC also monitors the feasibility of other emerging technologies for process improvements and plans equipment upgrades accordingly, gradually expanding the scope of greenhouse gas inventories to achieve the long-term goal of net zero emissions.

Nox Emission Reduction in the Sugar Factory
Shanhua Sugar Factory tested the use of “ionic environmental energy reactant technology” in 2023 to further reduce the emissions of NOx; Xiaogang Refinery will add denitrification equipment to the exhaust gas treatment section, which is expected to be completed in 2024.
Carbon Reduction of Boilers in the Biotechnology Plant
It is planned to change the heat transfer fluid and cross-flow boiler equipment of the biotechnology plant into natural gas ones. It is estimated that carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced by about 24%.
Expand Organizational GHG Inventory
In addition to Xiaogang Refinery of the Sugar Business Division that conducts annual GHG inventory and third-party impartial verification, TSC is in line with the policy and selected 6 demonstration sites in total for each business division in 2023 to carry out GHG inventory and verification- related counseling operations. To respond to the trend of carbon reduction, TSC will expand the boundaries of GHG inventory and obtain the third-party certification as the medium to long-term goal.

Carbon Reduction Measures of Each Unit

  In order to effectively implement energy conservation and carbon reduction policies and to continue to promote energy conservation movement. In 2022, the results in electricity and energy saving (including fixed and mobile sources) in all units were converted to a total of 19,751 GJ, reducing approximately 1,445 tonnes of CO2e.

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