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Stakeholder Engagement

  The identification of and communication with the stakeholders are the foundation for the implementation of corporate sustainable development. TSC maintains multiple communication channels with our stakeholders and carefully listens to the stakeholders’ voice. The stakeholders’ needs and expectations of TSC are taken as the reference for decision making. TSC hopes to create and share the maximum possible benefits with its stakeholders in the diversification of business activities.

Identification of Stakeholders

  Through meetings and discussions involving the Sustainability Report Editing Group (comprising representatives from various departments, regions, and units), incorporating the opinions of external exports, and referred to the stakeholder groups identified by the same trade. Based on the criteria of AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standards (AA1000SES) for the scoring and prioritization, nine categories of stakeholders were identified, including stakeholders, employees/other workers, consumers/clients, raw material suppliers/contractors/agents, government agencies/elected representatives, media, and community residents, online communities, and insurance companies/financial institutions.

Communications with Stakeholders

  TSC takes the initiatives to communicate with our stakeholders through our official website, trade union, related meetings, Annual Report, TSC Communication, internal publications, CSR questionnaire, customer services and other channels to understand the stakeholders’ issues of concern. In addition, through the coordination and communication among internal departments and units and based on our previous experience cooperating with our stakeholders, we set a SOP of PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) to make prompt responses based on the sensitivity and level of impact of the nature of issues.

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