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Labor Structure

          TSC has no foreign employees and part-time employees. We hire (employ) employees based on professional competence and experience, and all the employees are protected by the Labor Standards Act. The ratio of male to female employees is approximately 4.41:1. However, there is no differential treatment or discrimination in terms of employment, salary, performance appraisal and promotion due to gender or marriage status.

          TSC is mainly in the agriculture and animal husbandry industry, with a majority of employees being males. Male employees account for 81.52% while female ones account for 18.48% of all employees. A joint examination is established based on medium and long-term manpower planning and the manpower needs of the respective units to recruit new employees, those who are enrolled will be assigned to the units in need of manpower for adequate jobs. The distribution and composition of TSC's staff in 2022 are as follows.

Dispatched personnel
Employed personnel
Contract-based personnel
Contracted personnel
Total number of employees

          Looking at the distribution of age and gender among the employees, the total number of females have increased by 7.13% compared to 2021, showing that the manpower structure in the Company is now being adjusted. In 2022, the non-employee workers were all contracted labor, and the total number amounted to 2,938.

Hiring and Caring for Disadvantaged Groups

          In order to protect equal employment opportunities for disadvantaged and related ethnic groups, we have complied with the relevant provisions of People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act and Indigenous Peoples Employment Rights Protection Act in the employment of physically and mentally disabled persons and indigenous peoples. The Company now employs 26 aborigines and 117 people with disabilities in compliance with the employment regulations. There has been no report of infringement of the aborigines' right in the Company in 2022. 

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